A CCESS G ATEWAYIntroduction 18NTP SupportThe NSE supports Network Time Protocol (NTP), an Internet standard protocol that assuresaccurate synchronization (to the millisecond) of computer clock times in a network of computers.NTP synchronizes the client’s clock to the U.S. Naval Observatory master clocks. Running as acontinuous background client program on a computer, NTP sends periodic time requests to servers,obtaining server time stamps and using them to adjust the client's clock.PayPalPayPal support allows the internet access to be billed to either a PayPal account or directly to acredit card held by the end user.Portal Page RedirectThe NSE contains a comprehensive HTTP page redirection logic that allows for a page redirectbefore (Portal Page Redirect) and/or after the authentication process (Home Page Redirect). As partof the Portal Page Redirect feature, the NSE can send a defined set of parameters to the portal pageredirection logic that allows an External Web Server to perform a redirection based on: Access Gateway ID and IP Address Origin Server Port Location Subscriber MAC address Externally hosted RADIUS login failure pageThis means that the network administrator can now perform location-specific service branding (forexample, an airport lounge) from a centralized Webserver.See also Adding and Updating Port-Location Assignments {Add} on page 151.RADIUS-driven Auto ConfigurationNomadix’ unique RADIUS-driven Auto Configuration functionality utilizes the existinginfrastructure of a mobile operator to provide an effortless and rapid method for configuring devicesfor fast network roll-outs. Once configured, this methodology can also be effectively used tocentrally manage configuration profiles for all Nomadix devices in the public access network.Two subsequent events drive the automatic configuration of Nomadix devices:1. A flow of RADIUS Authentication Request and Reply messages between the Nomadix gatewayand the centralized RADIUS server that specifies the location of the meta configuration file(containing a listing of the individual configuration files and their download frequency status)are downloaded from an FTP server into the flash of the Nomadix device.2. Defines the automated login into the centralized FTP server and the actual download processinto the flash.Optionally, the RADIUS authentication process and FTP download can be secured by sending thetraffic through a peer-to-peer IPSec tunnel established by the Nomadix gateway and terminated atthe NOC (Network Operations Center). See also Secure Management on page 19.RADIUS ClientNomadix offers an integrated RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) client withthe NSE allowing service providers to track or bill users based on the number of connections,location of the connection, bytes sent and received, connect time, etc. The customer database canexist in a central RADIUS server, along with associated attributes for each user. When a customerconnects into the network, the RADIUS client authenticates the customer with the RADIUS server,