A CCESS G ATEWAY78 System Administrationserial connection with the CLI to disable the Access Control feature, or change therange of allowed IP addresses to access the management interfaces.Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}The Access Gateway allows you to define parameters to enable the automatic configuration of the system.See also RADIUS-driven Auto Configuration on page 18.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Auto Configuration.The Autoconfiguration Settings screen appears:2. Enable or disable Autoconfiguration, as required.3. If you enabled Autoconfiguration, you must enter the following information into the correspondingfields: RADIUS Authentication Name RADIUS Password Confirm Password4. Click on the Save button to save your changes, click on Save then Reboot to reboot the AccessGateway and make the changes take effect immediately, or click or the Restore button to reset all datato its previous state.Enabling Auto ConfigurationAs shown in the diagram below, two subsequent events drive the automatic configuration of Nomadixdevices:1. A flow of RADIUS Authentication Request and Reply messages between the Nomadix gateway andthe centralized RADIUS server that specifies the location of the meta configuration file (containing alisting of the individual configuration files and their download frequency status) are downloadedfrom an FTP server into the flash of the Nomadix device.2. Defines the automated login into the centralized FTP server and the actual download process into theflash.Step 1: RADIUS Authen Req/Response message to determine location of meta configuration file.Step 2: FTP download of configuration files (secure)