A CCESS G ATEWAYQuick Reference Guide 217Web Management Interface (WMI) MenusThe following tables contain a listing and brief explanation of all menus and menu items contained in theAccess Gateway’s Web Management Interface (WMI), listed as they appear on screen.Menus DescriptionConfigurationMenuDisplays the Configuration menu. Items in this menu let you establish IP parameters, setDHCP options, set DNS and home page redirection options, set MAC-based authentication,display configuration settings, and set the system date and time, SNMP and SYSLOGparameters.Network InfoMenuDisplays the Network Info menu. The items in this menu are used to monitor and reviewnetwork connections, routings, protocols, and network session statistics.Port-LocationMenuDisplays the Port-Location menu. Items in this menu let you find, add, remove, and updatethe Port-Location Assignments (for example, VLAN tags).SubscriberAdministrationMenuDisplays the Subscriber Administration menu. The items in this menu allow you to add,remove, and monitor subscriber profiles, display the current DHCP leases, and monitor thesubscribers currently connected to the network.SubscriberInterface MenuDisplays the Subscriber Interface menu. The items in this menu allow you to define how thesubscriber interface is displayed to users and what information it contains.System Menu Displays the System menu. Items in this menu let you manage login names and passwords,configuration settings, and routings.Configuration Menu ItemsItem DescriptionAAA Establishes the AAA service options.Access Control To enable secure administration of the product, the Nomadix Access Gatewayincorporates a master access control list that checks the source (IP address) ofadministrator logins. A login is permitted only if a match is made with the master listcontained on the Nomadix Access Gateway. If a match is not made, the login isdenied, even if a correct login name and password are supplied. The access controllist supports up to 50 (fifty) entries in the form of a specific IP address or range of IPaddresses.Additionally, the Nomadix Access Gateway offers access control based on the typeof Interface being used. This feature allows administrators to block access fromTelnet, Web Management, and FTP sources.Auto Configuration Provides an effortless and rapid method for configuring devices for fast networkroll-outs.Bandwidth Management Manages the bandwidth for subscribers, defined in Kbps (Kilobits per seconds) forboth upstream and downstream data transmissions.Bill Record Mirroring Configures the Nomadix Access Gateway to send copies of billing records toexternal servers.