A CCESS G ATEWAY240 Quick Reference GuideSample AAA LogThe following table shows a sample AAA log. This log is generated by the Access Gateway and sent to theSYSLOG server that is assigned to AAA logging.Date TimeAccess GatewayNameTypeof Data Log Code Log MessageSubscriber MACAddressExpirationTimeMar 31 18:23:10 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4207 AAA_AuthenticationSuccessful00:00:0E:32:2 C:BC 2 hrs 1 minMar 31 18:23:26 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4207 AAA_AuthenticationSuccessful00:10:5A:61:40:FF 12 hrs 0 minMar 31 18:21:53 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4106 AAA_lookupAdded_in_memory_table_pending00:00:0E:32:2 C:BCMar 31 18:43:54 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4208 AAA_AuthenticationUnsuccessful_Error00:60:08:B4:20:6AMar 31 21:34:21 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4007 AAA_InterfaceAdded_by_administrator00:00:0:12:34:56 20 hrs 34minMar 31 21:35:15 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4009 AAA InterfaceUpdated_by_administrator00:00:0:12:34:56 2 hrs 34 minMar 31 21:36:05 nomad237.nomadix.comINFO AAA: 4006 AAA InterfaceRemoved_by_administrator00:00:0:12:34:56Message Definitions (AAA Log)The six basic messages are defined as follows:Message DefinitionAAA_Authentication Successful Subscriber profile was successfully added to the Access Gatewayauthorization table after being authenticated by the PayPal server.AAA_AuthenticationUnsuccessful_ErrorSubscriber profile was not added to the Access Gateway authorizationtable because the PayPal server did not recognize the transaction.AAA_lookupAdded_in_memory_table_pendingSubscriber profile has been recognized and the Access Gateway iswaiting to authenticate the user.AAA_InterfaceAdded_by_administratorSubscriber profile was manually added to the authorization table.AAA_InterfaceUpdated_by_administratorSubscriber profile was updated.AAA_InterfaceRemoved_by_administratorSubscriber profile was manually removed from the authorization table.