A CCESS G ATEWAY142 System AdministrationZone MigrationZone migration is an expansion of the NSE’s “re-login after migration” capability, which currently allows thesystem to force a subscriber to log in again if the subscriber moves from one port location to another. Zonemigration significantly expands this capability via the following means: It allows the creation of multiple zones, which are then constituted by groupings of multiple portlocations. These groupings can be made up of any combination of desired ports (port values do nothave to be sequential in order to be grouped within a given zone). The re-login requirement can then be configured so that subscribers can move from one port toanother within a zone without being required to re-login. However, when moving between ports indifferent zones, the re-login requirement is enforced. It is also possible to configure a zone so that migration between ports within the zone requires theuser to re-login. In addition, the re-login after migration function was previously limited to RADIUS and PMSusers. This capability has now been extended to other subscriber login types.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Zone Migration. The Zone MigrationSettings screen appears:2. Select Relogin after migration to enable the Zone Migration feature.Add a new ZoneIn the Zone-Based Migration section, new zones can be added and initially configured, using the followingparameter fields. In each of these fields, any leading or trailing spaces will be removed by the NSE when thepage is submitted: Zone Name – Allows entry of a name appropriate for the zone to be created. The name must beunique, cannot exceed 16 characters, and cannot contain characters that are not alphanumeric, dash,underscore, or space. Port-Locations – This is where the port configuration for the zone is entered. The data must beentered as a string between 1 and 128 characters in length. The string must contain either anindividual numeric value ("211"), a comma-separated list of numeric values ("211, 212"), a range ofnumeric values with dash-separated delimiters ("211-899"), a list of ranges of numeric values("211-300, 301-899"), or a comma- separated list of individual numeric values and ranges ("211,212, 213-899"). Description – Allows entry of a description for the zone. This must be a string between 0 and 128characters in length, and cannot contain characters that are not alphanumeric, dash, underscore, orspace.