A CCESS G ATEWAY204 System AdministrationDeleting a RouteTo deleted a route, click the Delete link in the routing table. The route is immediately deleted.To restore a deleted route, reboot the NSE (which will restore auto-generated routes) ormanually re-enter the route.Establishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}Session Rate Limiting (SRL) significantly reduces the risk of “Denial of Service” attacks by allowingadministrators to limit the number of DAT sessions any one user can take over a given time period and, ifnecessary, then block malicious users.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Session Limit. The Session Rate Limitingscreen appears:2. Click on the check box for Session Rate Limiting to enable (or disable) this feature, as required.3. Enter values for the following session “limiting” parameters: Mean Rate Burst Size Time Interval (in seconds)4. Click on the Save button to save your changes.For advanced security, see also Defining the MAC Filtering Options {MAC Filtering} on page 200.Adding/Deleting Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping}Static Port-Mapping allows the network administrator to setup a port mapping scheme that forwards packetsreceived on a specific port to a particular static IP (typically private and misconfigured) and port number onthe subscriber side of the Access Gateway. The advantage for the network administrator is that free private IPaddresses can be used to manage devices (such as Access Points) on the subscriber side of the AccessGateway without setting them up with public IP addresses.To add static ports1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Static Port-Mapping. The Static Port-Mapping screen appears: