392 Charge Account and Calling Party NumberPrompt Response DescriptionTN Terminal numberl s c u Format for Large System and CS 1000E system,where l = loop, s = shelf, c = card, u = unit.c u Format for Small System and Media Gateway 1000Bwhere c = card and u = unit.CLS (XFD) XFA (Deny) allow call transfer.LD 11 - Allow Meridian 1 proprietary telephone access to Charge Account.Prompt Response DescriptionREQ: CHG Change existing data.TYPE: a...a Telephone type. Type ? for a list of possibleresponses.TN Terminal numberl s c u Format for Large System and CS 1000E system,where l = loop, s = shelf, c = card, u = unit.c u Format for Small System and Media Gateway 1000Bwhere c = card and u = unit.xx CPN Add a Calling Party Number key (must be key 24 forthe M2317).KEYxx CHG Add a Charge key (must be key 25 for the M2317).LD 12 - Allow attendant console access to Charge Account.Prompt Response DescriptionREQ CHG Change existing data.TYPE 2250 Attendant console type.TN Terminal numberl s c u Format for Large System and CS 1000E system,where l = loop, s = shelf, c = card, u = unit.c u Format for Small System and Media Gateway 1000Bwhere c = card and u = unit.CUST xx Customer number, as defined in LD 15KEY 0-9 CPN0-9 CHGAdd a Calling Party Number key.Add a Charge key.Feature operationThis section explains Charge Account feature and Calling Party Numberfeature operation for Meridian 1 proprietary telephones, analog (500/2500type) telephones, and attendant console.Nortel Communication Server 1000Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)NN43001-106 02.04 StandardRelease 5.5 9 May 2008Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks.