528 Contact Center ManagerUsing sample scripts Standard 8.04c_NSBR_DistributionFunctionThis script is used to route a call from one Contact Center Manager site toanother. The script first performs a mathematical calculation to determine if thenumber of idle agents in a specific skillset is less than or equal to the number oflogged-on agents divided by an agent logged-on ratio. Based on the result of thecalculation, the call is queued first to either a local or a network skillset. If thecall is not successfully queued to either the local or network skillset, a recordedannouncement plays asking the caller to leave a message.The purpose of this script is to distribute calls evenly among all sites in amultisite contact center. This ensures that no single site is handling the majorityof calls.With Contact Center Manager Release 6.0, you can also route calls using LIA,ASA, FB, Reserve Agent, and Wild Variables.Script text/* Title: c_NSBR_DistributionGlobal Variable List: Variable Type:1. holidays_gv - DATE (dates for holidays)2. weekend_gv - DAY (days of week)3. afterhours_gv - TIME (hours closed)4. nite_ran - RAN (RAN route for nightannouncement)5. first_ran - RAN (RAN route for firstannouncement)6. second_ran - RAN (RAN route for secondannouncement)7. soft_music - MUSIC (route number formusic)8. agent_factor_gv - INTEGER (value of agentlogged in ratio)*/