674 Contact Center ManagerSIP Contact Center Standard 8.04OverviewThis appendix describes the scripting command support in SIP-enabled ContactCenter Manager.SIP-enabled Contact Center Manager leverages the Media Application Server(MAS) to deliver multimedia treatments (voice and video RAN or music, instantmessage auto-responses) to the customer.To support interaction with the Media Application Server, some Contact CenterManager Server scripting engine commands in a SIP-enabled contact centerhave usage updates or command syntax changes. One Contact Center ManagerServer s cripting engine change is the introduction of support for VoiceXML(VXML), which is designed for: creating audio dialogs featuring synthesized speech creating digitized output recognition of spoken and dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) key input recording of spoken input playing recorded media filesVXML scripts control media dialog with the voice contact from a media servernode in the contact center.Scripting in the SIP-enabled Contact Center Manager can invoke VXML scriptson any compatible SIP Media Application Server. However, the Nortel MediaApplication Server currently only supports VXML scripts provided as part ofthe Nortel Media Application Server Contact Center Application installation(PlayPrompt.vxml and PlayAndCollect.vxml). Therefore: Generic VXML scripts are not currently supported on the MediaApplication Server. VXML support on Media Application Server is extended to include video,IM, and Web push. The SIP-enabled contact center currently supports only the MediaApplication Server.