Scripting Guide for Communication Server 1000/Meridian 1 PBX 641October 2007 Scripting for Multimedia and OutboundRecommended scripts for Contact CenterMultimediaUse the scripts in this appendix in conjunction with Contact Center Multimediato route multimedia contacts.Nortel recommends: Nortel recommends that you initially integrate these scripts with yourexisting Contact Center Manager Server scripts. After the scripts areintegrated, multimedia contacts are routed correctly. However, you cancustomize the scripts to meet the needs in your contact center. You can separate pegging for outbound, e-mail, and Web contacts. You canalso have application pegging for e-mail and outbound groups. Themaximum number of applications is 505 (five applications aresystem-defined) and must be shared between voice and multimediacontacts.The provided scripts demonstrate the following functions: queuing a contact to a multimedia skillset using the contact intrinsics%SKILLSET%SKILLSET and %PRIORITY%PRIORITY queuing a contact to a multimedia agent using the contact intrinsics%AGENT%AGENT and %PRIORITY%PRIORITY handling Scheduled Contacts that have a callback date and time set usingthe contact intrinsic %INTEGER%WAITTIME queuing contacts pulled by an agent using the Agent Desktop using thecontact intrinsic QUEUETYPEBy default, six scripts are provided: c_Master_Handles_Multimedia—This script passes execution formultimedia contacts to the relevant primary script for the contact's type. Italso ensures that no more than 20 000 Multimedia contacts are handled bythe scripts. You must add any necessary voice handling sections to themaster script.