September 2007 Configuring Level 1 ComponentsSystem Infrastructure Guide 105LicenseKeyMissing Capture License KeyMissingLicense key is missing on[host].CardChanged Capture CardChangedVoice card is added,removed or replaced on[host]. The card type is[card type] and the cardserial number is [cardserial number].InitCardError Capture CardInitializationErrorFailed to initialized voicecard on [host].InitChannelError Capture Failed toinitializechannel.Failed to initializechannel [channel id] on[host].CaptureStopped Capture CaptureStoppedCapture on [host] isstopped or is unavailable.CaptureFileError Capture Capture FileErrorFile error from Captureon [host]. [Errordescription].RecordingError Capture RecordingErrorA error occurred duringrecording on [host].[Error description].LOSEvent Capture LOS Event The TDM Recorder on[host] has received a Lossof Signal (LOS) alarm onframer [framer #], board[board #]. Please checkthe telephony cabling.Alarm Name CategoryShortName Message