Call Recording and Playback Standard 3.042 Nortel TDM RecorderSpan pairA span is a term that refers to the wiring from the Voice Card on theRecorder Server that taps into the telephone system. A span can beextensions connected to the Switch or a T-1 connected to the public T-carrier. For Passive Tap recording, each span connects the voice card to thephone system's T1 or E1. Both spans may be associated with the samerelated switch, or each span may be associated with different relatedswitches. The span pair is used for recording inbound calls only; outboundcalls are ignored, hence the term “passive”.PSTNPassive Tap: Station-side RecordingRecorder ServerSysadmin/SupervisorServerAgentWorkstationsPBXDBArchivalStoragePLAYBACKRECORDINGCTIServerPunchdownBlockUnify ServerT1 LineVoice Card for PassiveTap recording