AFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 1-16\VWHP2YHUYLHZ,QWURGXFWLRQ$ERXWWKLV0DQXDO1RWH 7KURXJKRXW WKLV PDQXDOFRQWURO SDQHO UHIHUV WR DQ$)3$)3 FRQWUROSDQHO DQG &38 UHIHUV WR D&38 RU &38This manual contains information for designing, installing, and testing the AFP-300/AFP-400 Fire Alarm Control Panel and fire alarm system components. Table 1-1contains a list of document sources for supplemental information:Table 1-1 Supplemental Documentation'HVFULSWLRQThe AFP-300 and AFP-400 control panels are modular, intelligent fire alarm controlpanels (FACP) with an extensive list of powerful features. The CPU module, powersupply module, mounting chassis, and cabinet combine to create a complete fire alarmcontrol system with Notifier’s VIEW™ early warning fire detection and optional voiceand telephone, advanced networking. Optional modules mount to the chassis to provideadditional output circuits. This manual covers the AFP-300 and the AFP-400 controlpanels, described as follows:$)3 An intelligent fire alarm control panel with a capacity for installing up to464 intelligent, addressable devices (198 analog detectors and 198 monitor/controlmodules, and up to 68 internal circuits/relays). Five cabinet options for the AFP-400(CAB-400AA, CAB-A3, CAB-B3, CAB-C3, or CAB-D3) for enclosing systemcomponents.$)3 A cost-effective, compact, intelligent fire alarm control panel with acapacity of 266 points (99 intelligent detectors, 99 monitor/control modules, and up to68 internal circuits/relays) using one Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) loop. The AFP-300mounts into a CAB-400AA cabinet and provides the same features as the AFP-400,including voice and telephone, advanced networking, and Notifier’s VIEW™ earlywarning fire detection.For information on... Refer to... Part NumberAll features AFP-300/AFP-400 Data Sheet DN-5262Programming AFP-300/AFP-400 Programming Manual 50259Operation AFP-300/AFP-400 Operations Manual 50260Compatible Devices Device Compatibility Document 15378System Connections AFP-300/AFP-400 Basic System Drawing 50683$)3$)