Combination Fire/Security Applications $SSOLFDWLRQVAFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 5-9&RPELQDWLRQ)LUH6HFXULW\$SSOLFDWLRQV2YHUYLHZYou can use the control panel as a combination Fire/Security and Security system whenoperated according to the instructions in this section.*HQHUDO2SHUDWLRQFor security applications, program one or more MMX modules with the Security ALAtype code, and wire as shown in Figure 5-10. Activating this type of MMX modulelights the Security LED, and displays a security alarm condition on the control panelLCD. The panel sounder will sound until you press . You can alsoprogram additional sounders or output devices to activate with the security alarminitiating device. The Security ALA type circuit is designed to indicate an alarm asfollows: (a) on an open or short circuit; or (b) on a ±50% change in resistance valuefrom the end-of-line resistor value.A tamper switch installed in the cabinet door will indicate a Door Tamper conditionwhenever the door is open. If the control panel indicates a Security ALA condition,you can acknowledge, silence, or reset the condition from the control panel.When the system resets, a 30-second exit timer starts. During this time the tamperswitch and all SECURITY ALA type alarms are ignored. There is no entrance delaytimer.For bypass of security zones, use the DISABLE routine (covered in the Status Changesection of the AFP-300/AFP-400 Operations Manual) for Security ALA type devices.,QVWDOOLQJD6HFXULW\7DPSHU6ZLWFKWire the cabinet with a security tamper switch kit (Figure 5-8). CAB-400AA cabinetsrequire tamper switch model STS-200; CAB-X3 cabinets require model STS-1.,QVWDOOLQJ D 6HFXULW\7DPSHU 6ZLWFK LQWR WKH&$%$$1. Install the STS-200 Tamper Switch onto the CAB-400AA as shown in Figure 5-8.2. Connect the STS-200 connector to J5 (‘Tamper”) on the MPS-400.)LJXUH ,QVWDOOLQJ WKH 676 7DPSHU 6ZLWFK036 -´7DPSHUμ0366767DPSHU 6ZLWFKwww.PDF-Zoo.com PreviousNext |