Wiring a Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) ,QVWDOODWLRQAFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 2-596W\OH = 1$& &LUFXLWV0HWKRG ² 036SRZHUV &0;Figure 2-78 shows a second method of powering a CMX from an MPS-400 NAC. (SeeFigure 2-77 on page 2-58 for the first method.) The NAC is supervised andpower-limited. When an MPS-400 NAC supplies power to CMX modules:• The CMX module outputs are coded if the MPS-400 NAC is coded.• Program the MPS-400 NAC for general alarm. (Refer to the Programming Manualfor instructions.)1RWH 5HIHU WR WKH 'HYLFH&RPSDWLELOLW\ 'RFXPHQW IRUFRPSDWLEOH QRWLILFDWLRQDSSOLDQFHVConnect the NAC as follows:1. Connect the SLC to CMX terminals 1 (–) and 2 (+).2. Connect 24 VDC power from an MPS-400 NAC (TB7-TB10) to CMX terminals 3and 4.3. Terminate the power feed to the CMX module with a 2.2K ELR (PN R-2.2K) ormake the power feed a return to MPS-400 NAC terminals 3 and 4 (Figure 2-78).4. Set the CMX rotary switches to the required SLC address. (The CMX takes onemodule address on the SLC.) For instructions on setting rotary switches, seeFigure 2-68 on page 2-49.)LJXUH 1)3$ 6W\OH = 1RWLILFDWLRQ $SSOLDQFH &LUFXLW 0HWKRG 9'& 1RWLILFDWLRQ$SSOLDQFHV1RWH 'R QRW ORRS ZLULQJ XQGHU DQ\ WHUPLQDOV %UHDN ZLUH UXQ WRPDLQWDLQ VXSHUYLVLRQ 036,&0 1$& &RQILJXUDWLRQV RQ SDJH FRQWDLQV GHWDLOHG LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ ZLULQJ DQ 036 1$&&38 RQO\WR QH[W GHYLFH RQ 6/& ²6/& WR 7%6/& ² WR 7%. (/531 5. 9'& WR 7%[ 9'& ² WR 7%[7%[ 7% 7% 7% RU 7%&0;&0;&380365HWXUQ RSWLRQDO IRU6W\OH <(/5 VHHQRWH(/5 ² (QGRI/LQH5HVLVWRU . ZDWWSDUW QXPEHU66' $ 8VH DQ1(/5 LQ &DQDGDwww.PDF-Zoo.com