Installing Remote Printers and CRTs ,QVWDOODWLRQAFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 2-35,QVWDOOLQJ5HPRWH3ULQWHUVDQG&57V5HPRWH3ULQWHUV1RWH (,$ SULQWHU LQWHUIDFH ZLWK('3OLVWHG HTXLSPHQW VXFK DVSHUVRQDO FRPSXWHUV WR PRQLWRUWKH FRQWURO SDQHO IRUVXSSOHPHQWDU\ SXUSRVHVThe PRN-4 remote printer prints a copy of all status changes within the control paneland time-stamps the printout with current time of day and date. The PRN-4 provides 80columns of data on standard 9" by 11" tractor-feed paper. This section containsinformation for setting the printer options and connecting a printer to the control panel.6HWWLQJ3512SWLRQVRefer to the documentation supplied with the PRN-4 for instructions on using theprinter menu controls. Set the printer options (under the menu area) according to thesettings listed in Table 2-12:Table 2-12 PRN-4 Setup OptionsOption SettingL/R AdjustFontLPIESC CharacterBidirectional Copy0HS Draft6 CPIESCONCG-TABCountryAuto CRGraphicE-USE ASCII1SColor OptionFormlenLinesStandardNot Installed6 LPI-60Executive 10.5"CPISkipEmulateI/OBufferSerialBaudFormatProtocolCharacter SetS1. ZeroAuto LFMENULOCKPAPERBIN 1BIN 2SINGLEPUSH TRAPULL TRAPAP ROLLPAPOPT10 CPI0.5Epson36K24007 Bit, Even, 1 StopXON/XOFFStandardOnOff12/72"12/72"12/72"12/72"12/72"12/72"