Field-Wiring the Modules ,QVWDOODWLRQAFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 2-27)LHOG:LULQJDQ,&0DQGDQ,&( 1)3$6W\OH<DQG=Guidelines for field-wiring include the following:• Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) are supervised, power-limited, and canconnect to an energy-limited cable.• Use only the compatible, UL-listed notification appliances listed in the DeviceCompatibility Document.• Wire notification appliances according to the manufacturer's instructions.• Maximum current per circuit is 3.0 A. Maximum current per module depends onthe type of power supply (MPS-400 or AVPS-24).• Canadian installations require model N-ELR End-of-Line Resistor Assembly(Style Y only).• Size NAC wiring so the voltage drop does not exceed the minimum rated voltage ofthe notification appliance used as the last device on the circuit.• For zone coded applications, refer to the UZC-256 manual.• The ICM-4 is California Code programmable (microprocessor Rev. B or higher).To program for California Code, cut diode D35.)LJXUH )LHOG:LULQJ DQ ,&0Positions E, F, G, and H are active only with the ICE-4 installed. You can also install aCRE-4 module on the ICM-4, connected as shown in Figure 2-36:)LJXUH )LHOG:LULQJ DQ ,&(% $ $¤ %¤ % $ $¤ %¤ % $ $¤ %¤ % $ $¤ %¤/IS]OXK7\SLFDO 1)3$ 6W\OH < 1$&7\SLFDO 1)3$ 6W\OH = 1$&8/OLVWHG 9'&3RODUL]HG %HOOV. ZDWW(/5 31 8/OLVWHG 9'&3RODUL]HG +RUQV-XPSHUV IRUXQXVHGFLUFXLWV-XPSHUV IRUXQXVHGFLUFXLWV,&( PRGXOH,&0