AFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 B-1$SSHQGL[%:LUH5HTXLUHPHQWVEach type of circuit within the Fire Alarm Control System requires use of a specificwire type to ensure proper circuit operation. The wire gauge of a particular circuitdepends on the length of that circuit. Use Table B-1 to determine the specific wiringrequirements for each circuit.1RWH ,I UXQQLQJ DQ 6/& /RRS LQFRQGXLW ZLWK 1RWLILFDWLRQ$SSOLDQFH &LUFXLWV \RX FDQUHGXFH SUREOHPV E\ H[FOXVLYHO\XVLQJ HOHFWURQLF VRXQGHUV VXFKDV WKH 0$66 6HULHV LQVWHDGRI PRUH HOHFWURQLFDOO\ QRLV\QRWLILFDWLRQ DSSOLDQFHV VXFK DVHOHFWURPHFKDQLFDO EHOOV RUKRUQV Compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and CanadianDepartment of Communication regulations on electrical energy radiation requires thefollowing: Use twisted-pair shielded wire for any wiring entering or exiting theAFP-300/AFP-400 cabinet that is not enclosed in conduit.7DEOH % $)3$)3 :LULQJ 5HTXLUHPHQWVCircuit Type CircuitFunction Wire Requirements Distance(feet) Typical Wire TypeSLC Loop(power-limitedConnects tointelligent andaddressablemodules.Twisted-shielded pair, 12to 18 AWG. 40 ohms,maximum per length ofStyle 6 and 7 loops.40 ohms per branchmaximum for Style 4loops.Untwisted, unshieldedwire, in conduit oroutside of conduit.10,0008,0004,8753,2251,00012 AWG Belden 9583 WPW 99914 AWG Belden 9581 WPW 99516 AWG Belden 9575 WPW 99118 AWG Belden 9574 WPW 97518-12 AWGEIA-485(power-limited)Connects toLCD-80 or toAnnunciatorControl System(ACS) modulesTwisted-shielded pairwith a characteristicimpedance of 120 ohms.18 AWG minimum.6,000 (max) Belden 9860 (16 AWG)EIA-232(power-limited)Connects toPRN, P40Remote Printers,CRT, or PC.Twisted-shielded pair.18 AWG minimum.50 (withoutmodem)Belden 9860 (16 AWG)MMX-1,MMX-101(power-limited)Initiating DeviceCircuit (IDC)12-18 AWG. Maximumcircuit resistance is20 ohms.To meet 20ohms12-18 AWGCMX(power-limited)NotificationApplianceCircuit (NAC)12-18 AWG. MPS-24A:At alarm current level,no more than a 1.2 Vdrop at the end of thecircuit, or sized toprovide the minimumrated operating voltageof the appliances used.To meet1.2 V drop,or sized toprovide theminimumratedoperatingvoltage of theappliancesused.12-18 AWG24 VDCPowerRuns(power-limited)To annunciatorsand CMX12-18 AWG. Size wireso that no more than1.2 V drop across wirerun from supply sourceto end of any branch.To meet 1.2volt drop12-18 AWGNR45-24 RemoteSecondaryPower Source12 AWG in conduit. 20 (max) 12