AFP-300/AFP-400 Installation PN 50253:C1 05/22/97 G-1$SSHQGL[*3RZHU6XSSO\&DOFXODWLRQV2YHUYLHZFollow these guidelines when wiring the AC branch circuit current:• The control panel requires connection to a separate dedicated AC fire alarm circuit,which must be labeled “Fire Alarm.”• The AC power circuit must connect to the line side of the main power feed of theprotected premises.• Do not power other equipment from the AC fire alarm circuit.• The AC power circuit wiring must run continuously, without any disconnectdevices, from the AC power source to the control panel.• Overcurrent protection for this circuit must comply with Article 760 of theNational Electrical Code as well as local codes.• Use 12 AWG wire with 600-volt insulation for the AC power circuit.&DOFXODWLQJ$&%UDQFK&LUFXLW&XUUHQWUse Table G-1 to determine the total amount of current, in AC amperes, that a 120 VAC,50/60 Hz service must be able to supply to the fire alarm system. Devices rated for240 VAC operation will draw one-half the current listed in Table G-2.7DEOH * 9$& )LUH $ODUP &LUFXLW&DOFXODWLQJWKH6\VWHP&XUUHQW'UDZVThe MPS-400 must be able to power all internal system devices (and several externaltypes of devices) continuously during non-fire alarm conditions. Use column 1 in TableG-2 to calculate the Non-Fire Alarm Load on the MPS-400 regulator when applyingprimary power. The MPS-400 must provide a finite amount of additional currentduring a fire alarm condition. Use column 2 in Table G-2 to calculate the additionalcurrent needed during fire alarms. The requirements for non-fire alarm and fire alarmcurrent loads cannot exceed the capabilities of the MPS-400 listed below:• 3 A at 24 VDC during Standby; and• 6 A at 24 VDC during Alarm.Device Type No. of Devices Current (amps) Total Current036 > @ ; $936 > @ ; $$ > @ ; $$ > @ ; 5HPRWH %DWWHU\ &KDUJHU 15 ; 6XP FROXPQ IRU $& %UDQFK &XUUHQW UHTXLUHG