– 134 –ItemFRONT POWERFRONT MICREAR MIC CH1REAR MIC CH2LINE CH1/CH2REAR AUDIOMIC LOWCUTCH1MIC LOWCUTCH2VariablerangeONOFFp40/p50/60 dBp40/p50/p60 dBp40/p50/p60 dBo4/0/p6 dBSTEREOMONOFRONTREARF&ROFFFRONTREARF&ROFFRemarksON: The phantom power is suppliedto the front microphone.OFF: The phantom power is notsupplied to the front microphone.This selects the camera mic inputlevel.This selects the mic level of the rearAUDIO CH1 input jack.This selects the mic level of the rearAUDIO CH2 input jack.This selects the line input level of therear AUDIO CH1 and CH2 input jacks.This selects the rear jack AUDIO CH1and CH2 input method.STEREO: Stereo input is selected.(The CH1 input signals are recordedon CH1 and the CH2 input signals arerecorded on CH2.)MONO: Monaural input is selected.(The CH1 and CH2 input signals aremixed, and the mixed signals arerecorded on both CH1 and CH2.)FRONT: The CH1 input high-passfilter is set to ON only when FRONT isselected.REAR: The CH1 input high-pass filteris set to ON only when REAR isselected.F&R: The CH1 input high-pass filter isset to ON regardless of whetherFRONT or REAR is selected.OFF: The CH1 input high-pass filter isset to OFF.FRONT: The CH2 input high-passfilter is set to ON only when FRONT isselected.REAR: The CH2 input high-pass filteris set to ON only when REAR isselected.F&R: The CH2 input high-pass filter isset to ON regardless of whetherFRONT or REAR is selected.OFF: The CH2 input high-pass filter isset to OFF.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGMAIN Menu Screen 3 of 4 (SUB menus)MIC/AUDIO screenThe MIC/AUDIO items are set on this screen.|Note{¡The frequency response whenON is selected for the MICLOWCUT item setting is 200 Hzto 10 kHz.The underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.{M I C/A U D I OA U D I OF RON TF RON TP O W E R :::::::::::O NM I CM I C∂ 4 0 d B4 d B∂ 6 0 d B∂ 6 0 d BR E A R C H 1C H 1C H 1M I CM I CR E A RR E A RC H 2C H 2L I N E / μS TTE RRE OOL O W C U TC H 2M I C L O W C U TEMP H A S I S O FFFL I M I T E R O F FT E S T T ON E NNTROF NO RM A L¢|