– 136 –ItemGENLOCKH PHASECOARSEH PHASE FINESC PHASECOARSESC PHASE FINEA.IRIS LEVELA.IRIS PEAK/AVEA.IRIS MODES.IRIS LEVELVariablerangeEXTINT0...7...150...128...2550...30...128...2550...50...1000...50...100NORM1NORM2CENTR0...100RemarksThis sets the cyclical signal of thecamera signal.INT: Synchronization with the internalreference signals that are not relatedto the reference signals input to theGENLOCK IN/(VIDEO IN) connector.EXT: Synchronization with thereference signal which is input to theGENLOCK IN/(VIDEO IN) connector.For the coarse adjustment of the Hphase in the genlock mode.For the fine adjustment of the H phasein the genlock mode.For the coarse adjustment of the SCphase in the genlock mode.For the fine adjustment of the SCphase in the genlock mode.This sets the target value for the autoiris. The brightness (iris) is controlledusing this value. The higher thenumber selected, the greater thebrightness.This sets the auto iris peak/averagevalue ratio. The closer the selectedvalue is to 0, the more the type ofcontrol is exercised toward AVEcontrol; the closer it is to 100, the moreit is exercised toward PEAK control.This selects the auto iris mode.NORM1: Light metering over theentire screen (except the edges).NORM2: Light metering over theentire screen (except the top).CENTR: Light metering at the screencenter only.This sets the target value for the superiris.(Backlight compensation mode)VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGMAIN Menu Screen 3 of 4 (SUB menus)GENLOCK/IRIS screenThe GENLOCK and IRIS control settings are performed on this screen.G E N L O C KG E N L O C K/ I R I SI R I S{:::::::::I N TH P H A S EH P H A S EP H A S EC O A R S EC O A R S E0 7F I N EF I N E1 2 81 2 8S CP H A S ES C0A .I R I SA .I R I SA .L E V E LI R I SS . L E V E L0 5 0P E A K / A V E 0 5 0MO D E N O RM 11 0 0¢|The underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.