– 138 –{U S E R M E N U S E L 1 / 3E R O P.........M A T R I XL O W S E T T I N GS E T T I N GS E T T I N GS E T T I N GM I DH I G HA D D I T I O N A L D T LD T LS K I N T O N EK N E E / L E V E LF L A R E / G A MM AC A M E R A¢|MAIN Menu Screen 4 of 4 (SUB menus)USER MENU SEL 1 of 3 screenThe menu page displays are set to ON or OFF on this screen. Before each screen item is an asterisk (“E”) or dot (“.”) whichrespectively indicates whether the setting is ON or OFF.ItemROPMATRIXLOW SETTINGMID SETTINGHIGH SETTINGADDITIONALDTLSKIN TONE DTLKNEE/LEVELFLARE/GAMMACAMERASETTINGVariablerangeONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFRemarksThis selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the ROP MENU item.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the MATRIX item.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the LOW SETTINGitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the MID SETTINGitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the HIGH SETTINGitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the ADDITIONAL DTLitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the SKIN TONE DTLitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the KNEE/LEVELitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the FLARE/GAMMAitem.This selects ON or OFF for the usermenu display of the CAMERASETTING item.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGThe underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.E: ON. : OFF