576-50-700 DBS 576HD (USA) issued September 2001 1-1Chapter 1. About This ManualIf you are using this manual for a single System, make note of its software version in the followingtable. This information may be referenced by technicians or owners of the System.OrganizationThis manual contains detailed descriptions of features. The feature descriptions are organizedaccording to the following categories:PurposeThe purpose of this manual is to provide an overview of feature operations and requirements. Whereapplicable, the following types of information are provided for each feature:Software version information for systems shipped with this documentCPC Model: Software Version:Feature Categories DescriptionSystem Features System Features are either available on a system-wide basis or aid in the overall administration of theSystem.User Maintenance User Maintenance Features are used by the end userto maintain the System. These items include settingtime and date, Personal Speed Dial (PSD) numbersand names, System Speed Dial (SSD) numbers andnames, extension names, Verified ID codes, CallForward ID codes for Voice Mail, Message Key IDcodes, Mode schedule, Special Day mode, Excep-tion Day mode, and Day of Week mode.Key Telephone Features Key Telephone Features are available to System Keyphones. System Key phones are proprietary digitalsets that provide feature access through a combina-tion of feature keys and access codes.Digital Single-Line Tele-phone (DSLT) FeaturesDSLT Features are available to Digital Single-LineTelephones. DSLTs provide digital audio quality andlimited feature key access in a single-line set.Single Line Telephone(SLT) FeaturesSLT Features are available to industry-standard 2500sets. Since SLTs are not equipped with feature keys,most features are accessed by using the dialpad and/or the switchhook.Types of information PurposeDescription Provides an overview of how the feature works and,in some cases, what it is typically used forOperation Includes step-by-step instructions on how to use thefeatureHardware Requirements Lists any special hardware that is required to use thefeature