Section 700 - Operation Chapter 7. SLT Features576-50-700 DBS 576HD (USA) issued September 2001 5-89To change the Walking TRS/Station Lockout security code:Related Programming• FF1-0-03: Extension COS (Station Lockout Enable/Disable)• FF1-0-03: Extension COS (Station Lockout for another Extension Enable/Disable)• FF1-2-02: Feature Codes (Station Lockout Code)• FF1-2-02: Feature Codes (Station Lockout other Extensions Code)• FF1-2-02: Feature Codes (Station Lockout Cancel other Extensions Code)• FF1-2-02: Feature Codes (Walking TRS/Station Lockout Security Code Changing Code)• FF1-0-19: TRS Class Under Station Lockout• FF8-1-08: Walking TRS/Station Lockout Security CodeConsiderations• Walking TRS and Station Lockout use the same security code.• You cannot override station lockout using Walking TRS feature.• If you enter an incorrect key code and then try to dial, the phone will issue a busy tone.• If station lockout is set, the phone is limited to the Station Lockout TRS Class outside callingabilities. This TRS Class should be carefully selected to only allow the desired call types.• Without Walking TRS/Station Lockout Security Code, you cannot set the Station Lockoutfeature.Timed Reminder CallDescriptionYour telephone can act as an alarm clock with the Timed Reminder Call feature.Action Result1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF key. Intercom dial tone2. Enter the Station Lockout security code change code(default = 749).Enter Old ID displays3. Enter the current Walking TRS/Station Lockout securitycode.Enter New ID displays4. Enter the new Walking TRS/Station Lockout security code. Stored ID Code displays5. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF key. The telephone display returns to the nor-mal display.