3-12 DBS 576HD (USA) issued September 2001 576-50-700Chapter 7. SLT Features Section 700 - OperationClass of Service - Ext/Ext RestrictionExt/Ext Restriction COS allows or restricts calls placed to other extensions based upon the ExtensionCOS. Each Extension COS is programmed to either originate or not originate calls to anotherExtension COS.Hardware Requirements• N/ARelated Programming• FF1-0-03: Class of Service - Extension• FF1-0-10: Ext - Ext Restriction• FF2: Extension COS AssignmentConsiderations• N/AClass of Service - Extension FeatureExtension COS allows or restricts access to certain extension features. (The extension features aredescribed later in this manual.) Each extension is assigned to one of 16 classes of service (00-15).The following table shows the features that can be enabled/disabled for each Extension COS.Table 3-2. Extension COSClass of Service FeaturesNumber Feature1 Intercom Call Type (Tone/Voice)2 Onhook Transfer at Ringback (Allow/Restrict)3 Onhook Transfer at Talk (Allow/Restrict)4 On-Hook Transfer at Camp-On (Allow/Restrict)5 Exclusive Hold for Non-Appearing CO (System/Exclusive)6 Exclusive Hold on SLTs (System/Exclusive)7 Brokers Hold on SLTs (3-Party Conference/Brokers)8 Hookflash During Talk on SLTs (Allow/Restrict)9 SSD Assignment (Allow/Restrict)10 SSD Assignment to MCO Tenant Groups (Allow/Restrict)11 SSD Dialing (Allow/Restrict)12 Intercom Redialing (Allow/Restrict)13 Direct Trunk Access (Allow/Restrict)14 MCO Incoming Call Answer (Allow/Restrict)15 Paging (Allow/Restrict)