109Combining Multiple Scenes (Edit - Combine)You can combine multiple scenes into one.If you have recorded numerous short scenes, combining them will be facilitated by the use of DiscNavigation.Be sure to select consecutive multiple scenes. Combining scenes is possible only when “Category: All” isspecified. Stills cannot be combined.1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button.2 Select the consecutive multiple scenes to becombined.3 Press the MENU button.4 Choose, “Scene”, “Edit”,“Combine” and thenpress the button.5 The “Combine Scenes”screen will appear: If youare sure you want tocombine the selected scenes, press the button.If you want to change the scenes to be combined,you can change them on this screen.6 The screen for verifyingcombination will appear:Choose “YES”, and thenpress the button.The two imagesappearing on theverification screen are those of the first and lastscenes to be combined.Choose “NO” to cancel combination.After Yes or No setting, the “Combine Scenes”screen will be restored.The thumbnail of the first scene will appear inthe combined scene.Repeat steps 5 and 6 to combine other scenes.7 Press the button to quit.Note :• If you press the MENU button before pressing the button in step 5, the submenu screen will appear. (P.104)• With special effects, the “IN” effect of the first scene in theselected range and the “OUT” effect of the last scene willbe chosen.• If you combine scenes from different programs (differentrecording dates), a message that prompts you to updatethe control information will appear when power is turnedon and Disc Navigation is first started (P.130). Note thatif you choose “YES” for this message, the combinedscenes will be split into separate scenes.If you choose “NO” for this message, the scenes will becombined, but the same message will appear each timeDisc Navigation is started. To prevent this, whencombining scenes from different programs, create a newplay list and combine the scenes on it.S c e n eRAMENTER RETURNDe l e t eEd i tCopySe l e c tDe t a i lT hu m b n a i lS k i pFa d eC o m b i n eD i v i d eM o v eETCComb i ne Sc e n e sENTERComb i ne s c e n e s ?YES NO