155Scene without controlinfo. Update controlinformation?• This message may appear when a disc edited on a device otherthan this DVD Palmcorder is to be used. In this case, choose“YES” on the verification screen. This DVD Palmcorder will makethe disc playable and display the Disc Navigation screennormally.• This message may appear when a disc is used on which sceneswith different recording dates were combined on this DVDPalmcorder. If you choose “YES”, the combined scene will bedivided and the Disc Navigation screen will appear normally. Ifyou choose “NO”, the combined scene will not be divided and theDisc Navigation screen will appear normally: In this case,however, this message will appear each time the DVDPalmcorder is turned on.130Scenes over limit.Cannot add scene.The number of scenes entered in play list has reached the limit thatcan be entered.Delete several scenes.119, 124Scenes over limit.Cannot divide scene.The number of entered scenes has reached the limit that can beentered.Delete several scenes.110, 119Scenes over limit.Cannot move scene.This message will appear if you try to move a scene when thenumber of scenes has already reached the registrable limit. 108, 119Stop processing The button was pressed to stop processing of multiple scenes. There was no scenewhich can be deleted.This message will appear if you try to delete multiple scenes on DiscNavigation when all the selected scenes have been locked.Release the lock on scenes before executing deletion.103, 112This card cannot beused.Please replace card.The card cannot be used in this DVD Palmcorder: Use another card.27This disc cannot beused. Please replacedisc.A disc that cannot be used on this DVD Palmcorder has beenloaded. Check the type of disc. 25This disc is recorded bythe PAL system. Pleasereplace disc.This DVD Palmcorder can use only discs recorded on the NTSCsystem. A disc recorded on the PAL system cannot be used on thisDVD Palmcorder.Top scene cannot bedivided.Division is not possible at the start of scene. 110UNFORMAT DISC The disc is not initialized or it is damaged.If this message appears, be sure to initialize the disc on this DVDPalmcorder before using it.Reinitializing even a disc used on this DVD Palmcorder may benecessary (initializing will erase all recorded contents on disc). Ifthis message appears, try to initialize the disc. If the same messagestill appears, the disc may be damaged: Use another disc.129See *2 on page 156. 78Use AC adapter/charger.Finalization is not possible when the DVD Palmcorder is poweredby a battery pack: Use the AC adapter/charger for finalization. 42, 131Message Cause & Troubleshooting Referencepage