11Read This FirstTo guide you, we've included following six chapters.• The section on “Setups” explains how to set upthe DVD Palmcorder, battery pack, and set thedate/time.• The section on “Basic Techniques” explains thebasic operation of this DVD Palmcorder-recording of movies, still images, external input,and playback of recorded images.• The section on “Advanced Techniques” explainssettings on this DVD Palmcorder for moreadvanced usage.• The section on “Disc Navigation” explainsediting with Disc Navigation: Refer to thissection when finalizing DVD-R disc andinitializing DVD-RAM disc.• The section on “Installing Software” explains thecontents of provided CD-ROM and how to installthe contained software included.• “Subsidiary Information” includes anintroduction to products sold separately, propercleaning, and troubleshooting.We want this manual to be as helpful as possible,so it includes two easy ways to find the informationyou need:• A quick index for the information you use mostoften (this page).• A detailed table of contents directing you tospecific information quickly.Get to know your DVD Palmcorder by using thismanual, and get to know Panasonic. We appreciateyour business.Quick IndexAvailable Discs................................................. 24Recording Movie.............................................. 52Immediately Checking Recorded Scene ......... 69Connecting to a TV.......................................... 74Functions Available with Disc Navigation ...... 101Installing Software ......................................... 134With this DVD Palmcorder you can view the picture being recorded or the playback picture whether on theLCD monitor or in the viewfinder. Opening or closing the LCD monitor switches the picture to appear on theLCD monitor or in the viewfinder. The following text describes the operation assuming that the viewfinderis used as a major monitor device.