153Disc error. • Use another disc.• See *3 on page 156. 24, 78• Mismatch in recording information may be caused by editingdone on some device other than this DVD Palmcorder.Initialize the disc or use another disc.• Initializing the disc will erase all data on it.129“DISC ERROR”appears when anattempt to release write-protect is made.If you have write-protected a disc using the write-protect setting tool(WPTOOL) that is equipped with the UDF driver contained on theCD-ROM provided with this DVD Palmcorder, you cannot releasethe write-protect on this DVD Palmcorder as is. Use the write-protect setting tool on PC to release the write-protect.Disc full. Cannotexecute.Delete unnecessary scenes before using this disc, or use anotherdisc. 103Disc has no data. This message will appear when the button is pressed with adisc inserted on which no still is recorded (It will appear if youattempt playback or editing on Disc Navigation, but will not appearif you press on camera through image.).Disc has no Play List. Switching of play list was selected with no play list stored. 120Disc includes protectedscenes. Delete scenes?The disc may be software protected from a device other than thisDVD Palmcorder. To release this case, use a device that hasexecuted software-protect.Disc is full. Cannot addcontrol info.The number of entered scenes has reached the limit that can beentered, so the control information for generating thumbnailscannot be added.Combine several scenes or delete them.103, 109Disc is not formatted.Format the disc now?• Has the disc been initialized on a PC?Choose “YES” and initialize the disc when using it on this DVDPalmcorder. Initialization will delete all data on the disc.• See *2 on page 156129DPOF is not set to ascene.This message will appear when “Slide Show: DPOF” is specified forthe card to which DPOF was not set. 133DPOF scenes over limit.Cannot set DPOFscenes.The maximum number of scenes for which DPOF can be set is 999.113Drive overheat. Pleaseretry later.The temperature inside the DVD Palmcorder is too high, andreading or writing of the data on disc may not be performednormally.Turn the DVD Palmcorder off and wait for a while. The temperaturewill be effectively decreased if the DVD Palmcorder is placed in awell-ventilated spot.47DVD-R Disc, Videomode cannot bechanged.With DVD-R disc, the movie quality mode once used for recordingcannot be changed. 28END OF DISC The disc is full.You cannot record on this disc anymore. Prepare another disc ordelete unnecessary movie scenes from this disc.28End scene cannot bedivided.Division is not possible at the end of scene. 110Message Cause & Troubleshooting Referencepage