11Front panelD SHTL buttonFor shuttle playback, press this button and proceedwith the operation using the search dial G.When the dial is turned to the desired position, thetape is played at the speed corresponding to theangle to which the dial has been turned. A stillpicture appears when the dial is set to the centerposition.E JOG buttonFor jog playback, press this button and proceedwith the operation using the search dial G.The tape is played at a speed within the speedrange set using setup menu items No.310 (JOGFWD MAX) and No.311 (JOG REV MAX) inaccordance with the speed at which the dial isturned.F VAR buttonFor VAR playback, press this button and proceedwith the operation using the search dial G.When the dial is turned all the way in thecounterclockwise direction, the tape speed is set toj4.9k, when it is set to the center position, it is setto still picture, and when it is turned all the way inthe clockwise direction, it is set to i4.9k.The SLOW speed can be selected using setupmenu items No.308 (VAR FWD MAX) and No.309(VAR REV MAX).G Search dialThis dial is used to locate the edit points.Whether the dial is to be enabled by pressing theSHTL, JOG or VAR button or whether searches areto be enabled simply by turning the dial can beselected using setup menu item No.100 (SEARCHENA).Parts and Their FunctionsH REV, STILL and FWD lampsThese lamps light to reflect the way in which thesearch dial is operated.REV: This lights when the dial is turnedcounterclockwise, and the tape runs in the REVdirection while the SHTL, JOG or VAR buttonlamp is lighted.STILL: While the JOG button lamp is lighted, thislights when the dial rotation is stopped, and thetape also stops running.In the SHTL or VAR mode, it lights when the dialis at the still-picture position.FWD: This lights when the dial is turned clockwise,and the tape runs in the FWD direction while theSHTL, JOG or VAR button lamp is lighted.I Audio input and output level control dialsThese are used to adjust the recording or playbacklevels of the CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7and CH8 PCM audio signals.• Switching between the LOCK or UNLOCKstatus for the volume level operationsWhen a dial is pressed, the LED above the dialeither lights (LOCK) or goes off (UNLOCK).In the LOCK (lighted) status, only the displaysegments corresponding to the current audiolevel light, and the audio level remainsunchanged even when the dial is turned.In the UNLOCK (off) status, the displaysegments corresponding to the current audiolevel and all the display segments below light,and the audio level can be changed.• Switching between UNITY or VARUNITY or VAR can be selected when the dialknob is pressed while holding down the keyamong the number keys in the UNLOCK status.The position of the segment lighted at the centerindicates the UNITY level.• Switching between REC or PBThe AUTO, REC or PB volume level function canbe selected using of “AUDIO SHIFT2” on theAUDIO function menu.With AUTO, the recording controls areautomatically selected during recording or in theEE or INPUT CHECK status, and the playbackcontrols are automatically selected duringplayback.• Switching between CH1jjCH4 and CH5jjCH8The AUDIO CH SELECT J is used to switchbetween these two sets of channels.F1FPOWER OFF ONHEADPHONESPUSHLOCKFULLCH CONDITION MONITOR FULL/FINE REMOTEL R 9P 50P RS-232CCH1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CUEXL/L/M - cassetteDo not insert S-cassettewithout adapterEJECTAUDIO CH SELECTSHIFTABC DEF GHIJKL MNO PQRSPREVIEW/REVIEWPRE-ROLLA IN A OUTHOME RF1 ASSEM ADJUST SHTLREV FWDVARJOGSTAND BY RECORDER INPUT CHECKPLAYERSERVOEDIT PLAY RECREW STOP FFREC INHIBITPUSH-INTERINSERTRF2VIDEO UNITY TC CUEAUDIO UNITY DIAG MENUTRIMSETIN OUTAUTOEDIT7 8 94 5 6 BSTUV WXYZ1 2 3 ENT0 C T FF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6CH 1 CH 5 CH 2 CH 6 CH 3 CH 7 CH 4 CH 8FULLREC P8 REC P8 REC P8 REC P8H D E FGI J