92513VITC OUTFor selecting how to output the VITC which issuperimposed on the output video signal.0000SBC:In the playback mode, the time code recordedin the SBC area is output.0001VAUX:In the playback mode, the time code recordedin the VAUX area is output.The VITC information detected by the HD serial input isautomatically recorded in the VAUX area when the videosignals are recorded.Setup menusThe underlining (__) denotes the factory setting mode.(continued)No./ItemDescription of setting514HDEMBDVITCFor selecting whether to superimpose theVITC information on the HD serial output.0000OFF:The VITC information is not superimposed.0001ON:The VITC information is superimposed.515HD EMBD LTCFor selecting whether to superimpose theLTC information on the HD serial output.0000OFF:The LTC information is not superimposed.0001ON:The LTC information ist superimposed.516*1TC OUT ADVForselectingtheprocessingtoalignthephase of the time code which is output fromthe TIME CODE OUT connector.Normally, the time code which is output from theTIME CODE OUT connector is aligned with theoutput video and audio.If so required by theconnection with an external component or forsome other reason, this item makes it possible toset the mode for aligning the phase with theinput.0000OFF:Thephasealignmentprocessingisnotconducted.The time code which is outputfromtheTIMECODEOUTconnectorisaligned with the output video and audio.0001EDIT:During playback when an editing mode hasbeen selected and during editing, the timecode which is output from the TIME CODEOUT connector is aligned with the input videoand audio. In all other modes, it is aligned withthe output video and audio.517*1TCG OUTForselectingwhethertolatchtheTCGdisplay and LTC output during INPUT CHECK.0000MOMENT:The INPUT CHECK mode is established onlywhile the INPUT CHECK key is held down.0001LATCH:When the INPUT CHECK key is pressed, theINPUT CHECK mode is established; evenwhenitisreleased,themoderemainsunchanged.The selection is released whenthe video output is set to a mode other than theEE mode.SBC (sub code data) area:This is an area on the helical track, and it is separate from the videoand audio data area.The time codes, recording dates and timesand other tape control information complying with SMPTE/EBUstandards are stored here. As with the conventional LTC (linear timecode), the time code can be read even during rewinding or fastforwarding. It can also be read out when the tape has stopped.VAUX (video auxiliary data) area:This area is to be found in the video data area on the helical track.The additional information relating to the video data is stored here.508*1BINARY GPFor setting how the user’s bit of the time codegenerated by the TCG is to be used.0000000:NOT SPECIFIED (no character set specified)0001001:ISOCHARACTER(8-bitcharactersetcomplying with ISO646, ISO2022 standards)0002010:UNASSIGNED 1 (undefined)0003011:UNASSIGNED 2 (undefined)0004100:UNASSIGNED 3 (undefined)0005101:PAGE/LINE0006110:UNASSIGNED 4 (undefined)0007111:UNASSIGNED 5 (undefined)509PHASE CORRForselectingwhethertoexercisephasecorrectioncontrolovertheLTCwhichisgenerated by the TCG.0000OFF:Phase correction control is not exercised.0001ON:Phase correction control is exercised.510*1TCG CF FLAGFor selecting whether to set the CF flag of theTCG to ON or OFF.0000OFF:The CF flag is set to OFF.0001ON:The CF flag is set to ON.511*2DF MODEFor selecting the drop frame or non-dropframe mode for CTL and TCG.0000DF:Thedropframemodeisselected.0001NDF:The non-drop frame mode isselected.This DF mode setting takes effect only when LOCAL isselected or when “ENA” has been selected as the setupmenu item No.001 (LOCAL ENA) setting.512*1TC OUT REFFor switching the phase of the time code,which is output from the TIME CODE OUTconnector, in response to the external LTCinput when a setting other than“INT”hasbeen selected for setup menu item No.507 (TCSOURCE). (In EE mode only)0000V OUT:The phase is aligned with theoutput image.0001TC IN:The phase is aligned with theexternal time code input.No./ItemDescription of setting*1: This item is not displayed when the 23/24 Hz or 25 Hz (HD or SD) modehas been selected as the system menu item No.25 (SYSTEM FREQ)setting.*2: This item is not displayed when the 23/24 Hz, 25 Hz (HD or SD) or 50 Hzmode has been selected as the system menu item No.25 (SYSTEMFREQ) setting.