32Automatic Editing (deck-to-deck)Previewing1 After the edit points have been registered, pressthe PREVIEW button.Regular preview is now conducted.• If the edit IN point has not been registered, theposition where the PREVIEW button waspressed is registered as the edit IN point.• To stop the preview at any time, press theSTOP button.• When the PREVIEW button is pressed againafter the IN point during the course of a preview,the preview will start again from the beginning.• When the edit OUT point is reached, the tape ispostrolled, after which it stops automatically.POWER OFF ONHEADPHONESPUSHLOCKFULLCH CONDITION MONITOR FULL/FINE REMOTEL R 9P 50P RS-232CCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CUEXL/L/M - cassetteDo not insert S-cassettewithout adapterEJECTAUDIO CH SELECTSHIFTABC DEF GHIJKL MNO PQRSPREVIEW/REVIEWPRE-ROLLA IN A OUTHOME RF1 ASSEM ADJUST SHTLREV FWDVARJOGSTAND BY RECORDER INPUT CHECKPLAYERSERVOEDIT PLAY RECREW STOP FFREC INHIBITPUSH-INTERINSERTRF2VIDEO UNITY TC CUEAUDIO UNITY DIAG MENUTRIMSETIN OUTAUTOEDIT7 8 94 5 6 BSTUV WXYZ1 2 3 ENT0 C T FF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6CH 1 CH 5 CH 2 CH 6 CH 3 CH 7 CH 4 CH 8FULLREC P8 REC P8 REC P8 REC P81POWER OFF ONHEADPHONESPUSHLOCKFULLCH CONDITION MONITOR FULL/FINE REMOTEL R 9P 50P RS-232CCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CUEXL/L/M - cassetteDo not insert S-cassettewithout adapterEJECTAUDIO CH SELECTSHIFTABC DEF GHIJKL MNO PQRSPREVIEW/REVIEWPRE-ROLLA IN A OUTHOME RF1 ASSEM ADJUST SHTLREV FWDVARJOGSTAND BY RECORDER INPUT CHECKPLAYERSERVOEDIT PLAY RECREW STOP FFREC INHIBITPUSH-INTERINSERTRF2VIDEO UNITY TC CUEAUDIO UNITY DIAG MENUTRIMSETIN OUTAUTOEDIT7 8 94 5 6 BSTUV WXYZ1 2 3 ENT0 C T FF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6CH 1 CH 5 CH 2 CH 6 CH 3 CH 7 CH 4 CH 8FULLREC P8 REC P8 REC P8 REC P811 Press the AUTO EDIT button.Automatic editing is now executed.• To suspend editing at any time, press the STOPbutton.• When the edit OUT point is reached, the tape ispostrolled, after which it stops.PostrollingIn the case of assemble editing, editing continuesfor about 2 seconds after the edit OUT point ispassed, and the tape is then returned to the OUTpoint, after which it stops.In the case of insert editing, the PLAY mode isestablished after the edit OUT point has beenpassed, and the tape is then returned to the OUTpoint, after which it stops.Retry functionEven when the STOP button has been pressed tosuspend editing, editing can be repeated from thebeginning simply by pressing the AUTO EDITbutton again.Auto tag functionIf, upon completion of editing, when the AUTOEDIT button is pressed although the next edit pointhas not yet been registered, the previous edit OUTpoint is registered as the IN point, and editing isexecuted.To release the auto tag mode, press one of thetransport system buttons (such as the PLAYbutton).The registered points are automatically clearedafter editing has been executed. However, theprevious edit points can be recalled by pressingthe TRIMi (or TRIMj) button and SET button atthe same time.Automatic editing