198Reference• In case of LP-M / LP-Z series, to use the function of Marking to Flying Object in combination with 3D setting, use theencoder. The marking to flying object without encoder is not available.5 Encoder Pulse : Inputs the resolution of encoder provided in the line.Setting Range 5.00 to 600.00 P/mmCalculation of encoder pulse number (5.00 to 600.00 P/mm)Encoder Pulse = Pulse number of onerotation of encoder ÷Line distance advancedduring one rotation ofencoder× 4 or 2 ** When using A and B phase: 4* When using either A or B phase: 2Reference• Up to 100 kHz per one phase is possible to be input to the encoder input on the input terminal block.• Use only “A” phase (ENC(A)) of the input terminal block input and connect “B” phase (ENC(B)) to input common if eitherof these encoders is used.• If the setting value for the encoder pulse is too small, the marking quality might be deteriorate. (Depending on themarking condition, the recommendation setting value for the encoder pulse is 25.00 P/mm or more.)6 Fly. Obj. Wait. (FlyingObject Wait): Waiting period for marking corresponding to the line speed for flying object marking.Setting Range 0.00 to 500.00 msAdjust the waiting time of the marking for flying object so that the width of thecharacter string is as shorten as possible shown below when performing the testmarking remaining the setting of the marking for flying object.Too Narrow Proper Too WideIf the error occurs during the marking to flying object, adjust the following settings.ERRORCODE Description Setting Position ScanSpeed Line SpeedFlyingObjectWaitE620 The marking is performed after the work ismoved to outside of marking field.Shift to movingdirection Up Down DownE621 The marking is performed before the work isentered into the marking field.Shift to oppositedirection of movingdirectionDown Up UpE622 The marking is not finished until the work ispassed through the marking field. ― Up Down DownReference• There might be the case that the marking is impossible even though adjusting the waiting time of the marking of theflying object if there are a lot of marking data.• When the pulse output from the encoder and actual motion of the line is not matched, the marking may not be performedproperly.ME-LPMSZ-OP-7