265Troubles Causes MeasuresSerial communicationcontrol failsCommunication parameter settingsare changed when the backup data isrestored to the laser marker.Check the communication parameter settings.If Ethernet is used, confirm the IP address andother parameters.When the backup data is restored to the lasermarker, communication parameter settings areoverwritten with the backup data.Command data is not received fromexternal equipment.Using commercially available line monitor orprotocol analyzer, check if external equipmenttransmits data.Communication data format isincorrect.Check if format of communication data commandtransmitted from external equipment is correct.• Check if start code STX (02: HEX) is placed atbeginning of transmitted data.• Check if the delimiter is added to the end of thetransmission data. ([CR] (0D: HEX) or [CR+LF](0D: HEX 0A: HEX) for RS-232C, [CR] (0D:HEX) for Ethernet)READY signal is notturned to ON.Alarm or error occurs. Release the alarm or warning referring to themeasures for the corresponding error code.Laser has not been pumped. Refer to “The laser is not pumped”.Internal shutter is closed.Open the internal shutter.• When controlling the shutter by I/O signal,turn off DIP switch No. 2 and turn on terminalSHUTTER in terminal block.• When controlling the shutter by serialcommunication, turn on DIP switch No. 2 andsend shutter command (SHT).• To change the DIP setting, the switch of thelaser marker should be set at power OFF state.LP-Mxxx-S type:Since the returning to the originalposition of the laser gate is notperformed correctly, the laser gatecannot be opened.Input the laser gate control signals for thereturning to the original position after start-up ofthe laser marker.LP-Mxxx-S type:The laser gate is closed.Input the control signal to [L-GATE OP IN] onthe laser gate terminal from the external controldevice.The changing operation of the file datais unfinished.It takes from tens of msec. to several seconds tocomplete the changing file data.During that time, READY output is in OFF status.Enter marking trigger signal after making sure that[READY] output is on if you want to change file toanother one.Marking data is not sent to the lasermarker from the external devices, incase of using Rank Function, ExternalOffset Function, or Serial Data InputFunction.If rank, external offset and serial data functionsare enabled while marking conditions are notyet specified, enter respective data per markingcycle.Enter marking trigger signal after making surethat [READY] output is on or checking status ofREADY using status request command.Under serial communication control:Mark trigger signal is ON while thecommand reception permission (MKMcommand) is set to “Reception modeON”.Set “reception mode OFF” for command receptionpermission (MKM command). Before enteringmarking trigger signal, use status requestcommand [STS] to make sure that READY is on.ME-LPMSZ-OP-7