About operating windows11The following operation panel appears when you click the [Control]button.(1) [Multiscreen select] boxDisplays multiple images from up to 4 cameras at the sametime. Switches between the four screens with each clickingthe button following the preset camera combination (refer tothe Setup Instructions (PDF file)).(2) [Sequence] boxSwitches the camera images automatically in a presetsequence. The button indicator lights green during sequence(refer to the Setup Instructions (PDF file)).(3) [El-zoom] boxDisplays the camera image at the magnification of the buttonclicked.(4) [Search] box[Search] buttonSearches for recorded images. The search results are shownon the rec event list window (page 24, page 25).[Area select] buttonSelects disk to play or search (page 26).(5) [Copy] boxCopies recorded images into the Copy area of the HDD.(6) [Log] boxThe history is shown on the rec event list window.[Error log] buttonDisplays a log of the errors that occur.[Access log] buttonDisplays the log in/log out time and date, the user name orIP address.[Event log] buttonDisplays the event log (when it occurred and a description).[Network log] buttonDisplays a log of the problems that occur on the network.(7) Rec event listNumber of eventsDisplays the total number of events in a list. If there are morethan 10 000 events, [>10000] is displayed.[All list] buttonRemoves any conditions and all rec events are listed.[Refresh] buttonUpdates the display to the most recent status.[Prev page] buttonDisplays the previous page of the list.[Next page] buttonDisplays the next page of the list.[Time & date]Displays the time and date.[Ch]Displays the channel of the recorded data.[Rec]Displays the recording mode (page 23).[HDD]Displays the number of the disk where data is stored.[Info]An icon is displayed on the image when audio is available.(8) [Zoom in] buttonEnlarges the display of live and recorded images.[Control] button: 1x: 2x: 4x(1)(3)(5)(6)(7)(8)(2)(4)