Using the Front Panel for Operations52When errors occur during RAID5 or RAID6 operation, the HDD errors in the following table are displayed.When one HDD has errors ([1down]) in RAID5 mode, the data on the remaining HDDs can be read and recovery is possible.When two HDDs have errors ([2down]) in RAID6 mode, the data on the remaining HDDs can be read and recovery is possible.When any errors occur on an HDD, replace the effected HDD as soon as possible.For details refer to the operating instructions for the extension unit.*Contact your dealer for information on replacing HDDs.HDD Error Recovery (During RAID Operation)Important:• RAID5 modeData cannot be recovered when two or more HDDs have errors ([2 down]) or when an HDD has errors during recovery.• RAID6 modeData cannot be recovered when three or more HDDs have errors ([3 down]) or when an HDD has errors during recovery.Data source During HDD error (malfunction) During recoveryRecorder/ExtensionunitLCD • RAID 1 DOWN:[1down]• RAID 2 DOWN:[2down]• RAID 3 DOWN (only while in RAID6mode):[3down]Note:• Only extension units are shown.HDD access indicator Lights red:Errors have occurred on HDD(Data can be recovered by replacing theHDD)• When in RAID5 mode, the first HDD haserrors• When using RAID6, the first two HDDshave errorsBlinks red:Errors have occurred on HDD(Data cannot be recovered even if HDD isreplaced)• When in RAID5 mode, the second HDDhas errors• When in RAID6 mode, the third HDDhas errorsAlternating orange/redHDD being recovered in RAID5/RAID6Recorder [Error Log]Refer to the OperatingInstructions (PDF file) formore information.• RAID 1 DOWNRecorder: MAIN RAIDm 1 DOWNExtension unit: EXTu RAIDm 1 DOWN• RAID 2 DOWNRecorder: MAIN RAIDm 2 DOWNExtension unit: EXTu RAIDm 2 DOWN• RAID 3 DOWNRecorder: MAIN RAID6 3 DOWNExtension unit: EXTu RAID6 3 DOWNm: Operational modeu: Unit numberRAID recovery failure• RecorderMAIN RAIDm RECOVERY FAILURE• Extension unitEXTu RAIDm RECOVERY FAILUREm: Operational modeu: Unit number