Glossary66IP MasqueradingA technology for sharing a single global address between two ormore PCs. Allows simultaneous connection of multiple machines to1 global address to dynamically convert NAT and different TCP/UDPport numbers.IP addressThe identification number assigned to PCs connected via IPnetworks such as the Internet or an Intranet, or to individualcommunications devices. Do not assign the same address tomultiple devices, especially on the Internet.InternetPC network that connects networks all over the world. Differenttypes of PCs can communicate over the Internet.LANA communications network for connecting PCs, printers and othernetwork devices in a relatively small area such as in a building orfloor of a building or campus in which data is transferred.M-JPEGVideo format in which the camera sends continuous JPEG images.Compared with sending images from the camera one at a time, thismethod reduces the load on the network. However, the transfer ratemay change depending on the status of the camera. Images may berepresented as a JPEG depending on the camera.MAC addressFixed physical address assigned to network devices. Devices sendand receive data based on this.Manual recordingClick the [Recording] button and the [Recording stop] button tomanually start and stop recording of video and audio.MulticastA way to send the same data to multiple users specified on anetwork.Multiscreen DisplayThis recorder can display multiple camera channels simultaneouslywhile displaying live images or playback images.NAT (Network Address Translation)A technology for sharing a single global address between two ormore PCs.NTP (Network Time Protocol)A protocol developed to accurately maintain time among hosts onthe Internet.POP 3A protocol for receiving e-mail stored on a server on the Internet oran Intranet.POP 3 ServerA server that supports POP3, currently the most widely used mailsending protocol.Plug-in SoftwareSmall programs used to add functions to application software.PoE (Power over Ethernet)A technique for supplying power and data simultaneously over anEthernet cable. PoE was standardized in June, 2003 as"IEEE802.3af".PoE Supplied HubA switching hub that provides PoE functionality. A maximum of 48 V15.4 W of power can be supplied to cameras and other devices.Port NumberA sub address set below the IP address to connect multiple partiessimultaneously for communication (TCP, UDP, etc.) on the Internet.Primary ServerDNS servers usually have more than 2 system and the primaryserver is the main system.Private AddressIP address assigned when connecting primarily to LAN. Private IPaddresses can be assigned freely on a network and do not require aformal application. However, because private IP addresses cannotbe used to access the Internet, a router or other device it isnecessary to assign a global IP address.ProtocolA set of rules that allows the exchange of data amongst differenttypes PCs with information. The Internet uses the TCP/IP protocolas its base and information is transferred following http and ftpprotocols depending on the application.Proxy ServerPC or software that connects with the Internet as the proxy for acomputer on a local network. It allows special connections from theinternal network and blocks unauthorized access from externalnetworks.RAID (RAID5)An abbreviation for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 5 thatprovides a highly reliable disk array by distributing access overmultiple HDDs, increasing both speed and capacity. Even if oneHDD has errors, data can be recovered based on error correctiondata recorded on other HDDs. (RAID5 is used when 3 or moreHDDs are connected. However, when 2 or more HDDssimultaneously have errors, data cannot be recovered.)RAID (RAID6)An abbreviation for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks 6 thatprovides a highly reliable disk array by distributing access overmultiple HDDs, increasing both speed and capacity. Even if twoHDD has errors, data can be recovered based on error correctiondata recorded on other HDDs. (RAID6 is used when 4 or moreHDDs are connected. However, when 3 or more HDDssimultaneously have errors, data cannot be recovered.)Recording rate (ips, I-Frame)Unit that determines the smoothness when recorded images areplayed back. "ips" indicates the number of recorded frames in 1second. When the recording rate is higher, the playback issmoother, but available recording time is reduced. I-Frame indicatesthe refresh rate set on the camera.