114 WJ-DR200 AV Disc Recorder Control Connections• Random Input Selection Mode(1) Connect CAMERA 1 and 2 to the VIDEO IN 1 and 2 connectors on the rear of the WJ-NT204.(2) Connect the VIDEO OUT 1 and 2 connectors on the rear of the WJ-NT204 to the VIDEO IN A and B connectors of theWJ-DR200.(3) Connect the VIDEO OUT connector of the WJ-DR200 to the VIDEO IN 3 connector of the WJ-NT204.(4) Connect the RS-232C ports (of WJ-DR200 and WJ-NT204) with a RS-232C cable.• For VIDEO INPUT SELECTION MODE under OPERATION MODE SELECT, mark RANDOM INPUT SELECTION MODE.• Enables control of cameras connected to the VIDEO IN connector of the WJ-NT204 (requires customizing the WJ-DR200 OPERATION VIEW window).• Unless a user changes channels, the last selected channel is used to continue transmission. SetupFiles to be used are as follows. Consult your dealer for these files, because the files are not includedFor H.323/H261: [drindex.html]For JPEG: [jdrindex.html]In the SERIAL PORT SETUP window, set TYPE under RS-232C to WJ-DR200. Set the same communication parameters as forthe WJ-DR200 AV Disc Recorder. (For further details refer to the operation manual of the WJ-DR200 AV Disc Recorder.) Control OperationOn the Location bar, type the URL to access the WJ-DR200 OPERATION VIEW window for theAV Disc Recorder.qwertyui!9R A MPUSH OPEN PUSH OPENAV Disc Recorder WJ-DRREMOTEOPERATEALARMRESETRECDISCALARMRECDISC CONTROLPCPCPCWJ-DR200WJ-NT204CAMERA 1CAMERA 2CAM1CAM1CAM1(VIDEO OUT)LINK/10BASE-T 100BASE-TX CONNECT ACTLOW HIGHRING.VOLNetwork Interface Unit WJ-NTPOWERONOFF!4o !5!0 !6!1 !7!2 !8!3