79SETUP PROCEDURES How to Read ADMINISTRATOR SETUP PAGEOn the Location bar, type to display the ADMINISTRATOR SETUP PAGE. To open theADMINISTRATOR SETUP PAGE, you need to enter your user ID and password. The default ID and password are [admin]and [any character], respectively.Notes:• Settings for a transmitter can be operated through a WWW browser window when a PC works as a Receiver, and throughthe 700 REMOTE SETUP EDIT window when a WJ-NT204 works as a Receiver. The latest change will take effect whenmore than one Control site operate the settings at a time as far as they have the same access priority.• Settings for a WJ-NT204 receiver are not operable through a WWW browser window.• Click the Reload button on the browser when changing the window from H.323/H261 operation to the ADMINISTRATORSETUP PAGE. Reloading will ensure the new window display, although this change results in a disconnection, thus thenew display takes time.qwertyuio!0!1!2!4[SET][SUBMIT] buttonClicking this button stores the settings made on theADMINISTRATOR SETUP PAGE in the WJ-NT204.The setting range of this button is indicated by theruled line that separates one item from another. Thearea showing the data within the range returns to theoriginal display when the button is clicked.The system is not restarted when this button is clicked.[SET & REBOOT] buttonClicking this button stores the settings made on thispage in the WJ-NT204.q MODE SETUPTo set the default page when a file name is specified.Also set operation mode, image quality, and cameracontrol selection on this page.w NETWORKTo set the IP address, netmask and default gateway.e VIDEO SEQ/ALARMClick this button to open the VIDEO SEQ SCAN/,ALARM SETUP where you can specify the videosequence ON/OFF, alarm reception ON/OFF and soforth.r SERIAL PORTClick this button to open the SERIAL PORT SETUPwhere you can specify parameters for serial communi-cations in the RS-232C or RS-485 protocol.t USERClick this button to open the USER SETUP windowwhere you can set up USER AUTHORIZATION, USERREGISTRATION and USER DELETION.!3