81 MODE SETUPOn the ADMINISTRATOR SETUP PAGE, click the MODE SETUP button to display the MODE SETUP window.Select set Operation mode, image quality and camera control.q MAIN PAGE DEFAULT MODE & INDEX FILESELECTThe following setting specifies the opening window youaccess typing an IP address alone in the browser’sURL column.MODESelect a compression mode or enter the user’sindex filename.H.323/H.261: H.323/H.261 ITU-T is applied.JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group isapplied.User’s index filename: Enter a filename.CAM CONTROLThe rout for camera control is specified heredepending on the system composition. The follow-ing selection for CONTROL is ignored if youentered the index filename in the MODE procedureright above.PS.Data: Controls the cameras connected to anauxiliary device (except WJ-NT204) capable ofPS.Data (Panasonic Security Data) protocol.DIRECT COAXIAL: Controls the cameras directlyconnected to the WJ-NT204 transmitter unit.OTHERS: Select this for the case other thanPS.Data or DIRECT COAXIAL. This is applica-ble to the WJ-SX550A/B or WJ-FS616 if con-nected.AUX SYSTEM CONTROLYou can specify auxiliary device(s) connected tothe WJ-NT204 transmitter. When there are morethan one device in the system, register them in thePS.Data UNIT REGISTRATION window that isopened from the SERIAL PORT window.HD100: Digital Disk Recorder, WJ-HD100HD500: Digital Disk Recorder, WJ-HD500FS309/316/409/416: Video Multiplexer, WJ-FS309/316/ 409/416MP204: Data Multiplex Unit, WJ-MP204SX550A/B: Matrix Switcher, WJ-SX550A/BFS616: Video Multiplexer, WJ-FS616NT204: Specify this when no auxiliary device con-nectedNote: The Authorization window will appear when youclick on the SET & REBOOT for a new MODE set-ting after once you set H.323/H.261.Default Unit Address: The default unit address is setto the selected device within 1-16.SET & REBOOT: Settings are renewed to that youhave just made in the above procedures. Clickingthis button may interrupt communication among atransmitter and a receiver or other PC.w AUDIO MODE SELECTThis selection is available only when the H.261 is set inthe above selection. The transmitter sends audio datacomplying with this selection. The default setting isG.711-mu.G.711-mu: Select this when the system is used in NorthAmerica or Japan.G.711-A: Select this when the system is used inEurope.OFF: No sound is transmitted.e H.261 VIDEO MODE SELECTBit rate and motion speed are set for the transmitter.BIT RATE: 0 - 1024When 0 is selected, no picture is transmitted. Thegreater the bit rate (kbps) is, the more data is transmit-ted. The default setting is 1024.MOTION: The default setting is NORMAL.IMAGE SIZE: Image size can be set to 640x480 or352x288 when H.261 is selected. The default set-ting is 352x288.qew