128q Unit/System SELECTIONThis selection changes the Control Operation windowto that of the selected unit while communicating withthe unit.Pull down the button to display the registered title andPSD unit #. Select the respective unit number you wish.The window changes to the selected unit’s where youcan control it. For example, you should select number 1for WJ-FS416, or number 2 for WJ-HD100.w FRAME SWITCHER SELECTThese buttons are used to select the input image toVIDEO IN 1-4 supplied from Video Multiplexers when amaximum of four units are connected. In this connec-tion example, only the button 1 performs because asingle Video Multiplexer is connected to VIDEO IN 1.Note: When connecting more than one VideoMultiplexer unit, you need to make selection in theUnit/System SELECTION first, and then in theFRAME SWITCHER SELECT.e CAMERA SELECTThese buttons select the input image of the cameraconnected to the WJ-FS416. The selected imageappears in the Image Display area of the window.r MULTISCREEN SELECTSelects a multiscreen pattern each time this button ispressed as follows.4 → 9 → 16 → 4 screen segments (WJ-FS316/416)4 → 9 → 4 screen segments (WJ-FS309/409)t SEQImplements the sequential scan preset in the videomultiplexer. A series of camera pictures is displayed insuccession for the specific duration.y STILLDisplays the image in still picture. Clicking this buttonagain will restore the moving picture.4. In the SERIAL PORT SETUP window, click the Unit Address SETUP page for AUX SYSTEMS to open the PS.Data UnitAddress SETUP window.In the window, type in the device names for convenient when needed, then click the SET buttons for No. 001 through 006to register the PS.Data devices connected to the WJ-NT204 transmitter.Note: When a message “No Response” appears after clicking the SET button, confirm the connections and setups describedabove. Control Operation for Video Multiplexer (WJ-FS416/409/316/309)Type in the location bar . The in the URL may vary depending on the WJ-NT204 settings.Type the identical address to that the WJ-NT204 is set to. FRAME SWITCHER OPERATION VIEW window appears.qwertyuio!2!0!1