54This section details about operations made in the controlsite where a WJ-NT204 Network Interface Unit is installedas a receiver. For control site operations with WWW brows-er, refer to MAIN PAGE AND CONTROLS on page 70. Before Operating the UnitConfirm the following.1. The relevant peripherals are connected to the unit inthe site, and they are turned on the power.2. A Remote Controller is connected to the unit. It oper-ates major functions in the system.3. System setups and call directory registrations are com-pleted to the Network Interface Unit.4. Turn on the power switch of the unit. The power indica-tor illuminates, and the monitor displays the initialscreen shown on the right column.5. The supplied Power Switch Protector is put on thepower switch. About Power ON/OFFPlease use caution to the power operation.Caution:The power switch does not have a sufficient insulationcapability from the AC mains even when it is turned off.We recommend that you unplug either end of thepower cord from the unit or the AC outlet when you donot use the unit for a long time. Turning off the AC cir-cuit breaker will be another cut-off measure if the unit isconnected to it.Note:• Do not turn off the power switch while the unit is incommunication.• After the unit has been turned off or unplugged for along time, supply AC power to the unit and turn it on tocharge up the backup battery.WJ-NT204 OPERATING PROCEDURES Screen DisplayThere are 2 basic screens for operation: Normal andDialog.• Normal ScreenBeside the camera picture or playback image, some addi-tional information are displayed as follows.• VIDEO INPUT Number DisplayThe camera numbers are registered in the setup menu.See the 430 VIDEO SWITCH SETUP for details.VIDEO 1: VIDEO INPUT numberTrans.01: A registered titleThe transmitter's monitor displays the video input num-ber and its registered title. Video input 5 is displayedwhen AUX IN is selected.The receiver's monitor displays them only in the com-munication status.• Date & Time DisplayAn asterisk * will follow the date display when the clockis on the daylight savings advancing by one hour thanthe normal time.APR.01.01* 00:00:00• Telephone Symbol: Standby: In-communication• Connecting Display: Stands for calling, disappears after 10 seconds pastthe start of communication.SWITCHPROTECTORVIDEO1 JAN.01.01 00:00:00Trans.01