5 Diagnostics5-36NetPath 110 User’s Manual - Installation Guide980-001-0240BNovember 2000AdditionalDescriptionsThe paragraphs in this section provide additional information, notes, or tips aboutsome of the specific operating features of the FrameSaver NP 110.This information is intended to assist anyone in the use of these features or in trouble-shooting problems concerning these features.SoftwareDownloadA new version of the FrameSaver NP 110 system software (firmware) can be down-loaded to the unit for software upgrade, or to restore damaged system software. TheFrameSaver NP 110 supports dual copies of the operating software retained in separateflash memory locations (A and B). A copy of the startup software (boot-loader) is re-tained in PROM and is capable of initializing the unit, selecting the desired version offlash memory, and if necessary, downloading the unit if no operative flash memory isavailable.Initiation of the download process is by operator command or as the result of a detectedmemory/software error with no operative flash software available.Operator command initiation and the actual download may be performed through in-band access or by dial-in to the on-board modem of the FrameSaver NP 110, using aspecial application for this purpose. Downloading may occur while the unit remainsfully in service. There are no LED indications for a download by command, since theunit is fully operational while the idle (inactive) flash memory is being loaded. Switch-ing to the newly loaded software can occur automatically after a successful load or ata later time as specified by the operator.When initiated by detected error, the FrameSaver NP 110 goes into the boot-loadermode and can only be downloaded by dial-in to the on-board modem. Boot-loadermode is indicated on the unit’s front panel LEDs by simultaneously blinking the“NETW ALARM” and “UNIT FR MGMT.” indicators. The rate of blinking is rela-tively slow (approximately 2/sec.) while waiting for the actual transfer of data to begin.The rate of blinking becomes noticeably faster when the transfer of data begins, andwill continue until the download is complete.Downloading software to one flash memory does not impact operation of the otherflash memory.Once the download process is initiated, the FrameSaver NP 110 must complete thedownload before it is able to perform any other management functions.The FrameSaver NP 110 reinitializes by performing its start-up self-test wheneversoftware versions are switched, or after an error detected download completes.