2 Description2-12FrameSaver NP 110 User’s Manual - Installation Guide 980-001-0240BNovember 2000WAN ManagementIP AddressFrameSaver NP 110 utilizes one IP Address on the dedicated, network-facing WideArea Network (WAN) management channel. This address is embedded within the var-ious communications protocol stacks used for SNMP, Telnet and PPP. The unit’s WANManagement IP Address may be automatically learned from the first message receivedon the management PVC, or it can be set via the local or remote Console Port.When optioned with ISDN, FrameSaver NP 110 can have several communicationspaths that allow the management channel to connect to the frame relay network in dif-ferent places. Each of these connection points could result in the management PVCrouting through different IP sub-nets to reach the Network Control Center, or it may bedesirable to have the FrameSaver NP 110 appear as a logically different object in theSNMP manager, especially if static routing and dedicated backup ports are utilized.The setting/learning of these additional IP Addresses is described in detail in Section4, “Configuration,” in this manual.FrameSaver NP 110 will retain in Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), a separate WAN IPAddress for each connection point. All communications via OOB PPP (Out-Of-BandPoint-to-Point Protocol) will utilize whatever IP Address is in effect depending on howthe unit is currently connected to the network. There are several options for establish-ing the WAN IP Address within the FrameSaver NP 110.When the unit is shipped from the factory or when NVM is cleared on initial installa-tion, the WAN IP Address for each connection point is set to, whichindicates no address is known.The WAN IP Address to be used on the T1 link is automatically “learned” from thefirst valid IP message received over the unit’s management PVC. Learning will takeplace as long as the value of the WAN IP Address in NVM is Oncethe IP Address is set or learned it is retained and used until the NVM is cleared or an-other address is manually set.SoftwareDownloadThe FrameSaver NP 110 system software (firmware) is stored in flash memory. A newversion of the software can be downloaded to the unit for software upgrade, or for res-toration in the event an error is detected in the flash storage.A description of the software download process is provided in Section 5, “Diagnos-tics,” in this manual.