980-001-0240B FrameSaver NP 110 User’s Manual - Installation Guide5-1November 20005 DiagnosticsThis section contains general diagnostic information for basic FrameSaver NP 110.Refer to section 6, “Options” in this manual for additional diagnostic information re-garding optional features such as DSX/Drop Adapter and ISDN Adapter.FrameSaver NP 110 diagnostic features include; Front Panel LED Indicators, BERTesting, Statistic gathering and reporting, and Alarm reporting.LEDIndicatorsFront panel indicators are shown in Figure 5-1 and described in Table 5-1.Figure 5-1 FrameSaver NP 110 Front Panel View (Basic)F ram eS a ve r TM N P 1 10POWERREADYTESTFRM MGMTMODEM IN USEUN ITALARMLMINET WLMITxDRxDUSE R