980-001-0240B FrameSaver NP 110 User’s Manual - Installation Guide4-1November 20004 OperationThis section contains configuration and operation information for basic FrameSaverNP 110. Refer to section 6, “Options” in this manual for installation, configuration andoperation information for FrameSaver NP 110 Options such as the DSX/Drop Adapterand ISDN Adapter.Configuration FrameSaver NP 110 configuration consists of initially setting the T1, CSU parametersand the WAN Management Channel’s DLCI address via dial-in VT-100 console con-nection or via direct connected VT-100 terminal.Configuration procedures to complete the installation of the FrameSaver NP 110 areas follows:• Power the unit on while clearing NVM.• Establish management session.• Set operating parameters.