2 Description980-001-0240B FrameSaver NP 110 User’s Manual - Installation Guide2-9November 2000WAN DLCI The in-band Frame Relay Management Channel WAN address is defined by the DLCI(Data Link Connection Identifier). The WAN DLCI can be configured for a DedicatedPVC, or as a Tunneled channel within a Payload PVC. During initial installation theWAN DLCI can be set via the unit’s Local Console Port or Dial-In Console Port.Thereafter the DLCI can also be changed via in-band management access.ManagementIP AddressingFrameSaver NP 110 has special features for Network Service Providers (NSPs) whorequire management access (to the unit) to be isolated from the payload data. This iso-lated access is provided either by FrameSaver NP 110’s dedicated network-facingmanagement PVC as shown in Figure 2-1 or by the Tunneled management channel ona network-facing Payload PVC as shown in Figure 2-8.Figure 2-8 Tunneled ManagementTunnel management is accomplished by a FrameSaver NP HUB (FrameSaver NP100class unit) located at a site which supports up to 48 PVCs connected to FrameSaver NPunits located at remote (spoke) sites. The HUB unit performs the routing and encapsu-lation function for management channel messages going to and from the remote units.The HUB is connected to the network management systems by a separate dedicatedgroup management PVC.SN M P AlarmServerNCCLANNCC TelnetW ork S tationC u sto m e r D ataC en te rN etw o rk C o n trol C en te rIP O verFram eCustom er &M gm t P VCsCustom erLANFram e RelayBackboneCust.PV CsG roupM gm tPV CTerm inal ServerDial LineConsole PortSerial P ort(C ust. P VC)RouterF ra m e S a ve r N P 1 1 0Fram eSaver NPE nd U s er Prem is eRouter P O PFram e Sw itchHUBFram eSaverNP 110