Parker Hannifin S.p.A S.B.C. Division SLVDN User’s ManualPage 118 of 181Pr188=Pr35, (monitor torque) has in escape 4,096V when Pr35 is equal to pick current,if Pr19=100% [with Pr189=0].In other cases:Pr188=Pr…, range in escape ±512 counts as ±4,096V. Therefore if the parameter tomonitor necessity more counts, is necessary to attribute, to Pr189, a suchvalue to bring back the scale of reading of the parameter within 512 counts:2Pr189 .10.8.9. Master referenceThere are three different type of master reference:- Encoder ref.- Reference on digital bus via CAN (see “encoder CAN”)- Frequency/direction ref.The type of reference signal must be connected to the relative connector (see par. “frequencyinput/output connection”).Each reference has a input counter, that encoder signal is calculated on every edge of A and Bsignal. The counter of the motor position increases 4096 imp/revolution. It’s possible to setthe relation between master and slave with multiplicative and divisor factors. The encoder ref.from IN2/IN3 can be set as frequency/direction input type or as input in quadrature (b42.4and b42.5).b70.9MasterspeedddtPr159Pr157:156Pr67:66Pr154Pr155Pr53Pr52X2X1Reference multiplierencoder IN Counter encoderINCounter CANinputMaster speedReference divider encoder INReference CANdividerreference CAN multiplierEncoderinputb42.5encoderEncoderCAN inputddtPr54Pr216Pr215:214Pr212Pr213IN2/IN3counter Fre/dirMaster speedReference Fre/dirdividerFreq/DirQuadra.b42.4Freq/dir – QuadratureReference Fre/dir multiplierb70.13ddtMaster reference(operative mode)