Parker Hannifin S.p.A S.B.C. Division SLVDN User’s ManualPage 82 of 18110.3. Operating modesParameter Pr31 (default = 0) is used to select the operating mode. Every operating modecontrols speed using parameter Pr6 and can use parameter PR21 to limit the torque at themotor (see the block diagram). Speed control will use as reference Pr7 or Pr6, depending onthe value of b40.2. Before changing Pr31, b40.2 must be set to 0 in order to avoid unwantedmovements of the motor. Therefore, it is possible to set Pr31 to the value that corresponds tothe selected operating mode. The parameter b99.11 is used to load the default parameters forthe selected operating mode. By setting b40.2 to 1, the operating mode will be turned on. Alloperating modes need to control the motor in position (11, 13, 14, 15) by using the positionloop described in the diagram in the figure.