12.21 Scanning problemsCondition Suggested solutionsThe scanner doesnot work.• Make sure that you place the original to bescanned face down on the scanner glass, orface up in the DADF.• There may not be enough available memoryto hold the document you want to scan. Trythe Prescan function to see if that works. Trylowering the scan resolution rate.• Check that the printer cable is connectedproperly.• Make sure that the printer cable is notdefective. Switch the cable with a knowngood cable. If necessary, replace the cable.• Check that the scanner is configuredcorrectly. Check scan setting in the SmarThruConfiguration or the application you want touse to make certain that the scanner job isbeing sent to the correct port.The unit scansvery slowly.• Check if the machine is printing receiveddata. If so, scan the document after thereceived data has been printed.• Graphics are scanned more slowly than text.• Communication speed slows in scan modebecause of the large amount of memoryrequired to analyze and reproduce thescanned image. Set your computer to theECP printer mode through BIOS setting. Itwill help to increase the speed. For detailsabout how to set BIOS, refer to yourcomputer user’s guide.Scan and Fax Manager 2 ProblemFax problems (optional)Message appearson your computerscreen:• “Device can't beset to the H/Wmode you want.”• “Port is beingused by anotherprogram.”• “Port isDisabled.”• “Scanner is busyreceiving orprinting data.When thecurrent job iscompleted, tryagain.”• “Invalid handle.”• “Scanning hasfailed.”• There may be a copying or printing job inprogress. Try your job again when that job isfinished, try your job again.• The selected port is currently being used.Restart your computer and try again.• The printer cable may be improperlyconnected or the power may be off.• The scanner driver is not installed or theoperating environment is not set up properly.• Ensure that the machine is properlyconnected and the power is on, then restartyour computer.• The USB cable may be improperly connectedor the power may be off.Condition Suggested solutionsScan and FaxManager 2 doesnot work.Check your system requirements. Scan andFax Manager 2 works in Window andMacintosh (Page 2.2.)Condition Suggested solutionsThe machine is notworking, there is nodisplay and thebuttons are notworking.• Unplug the power cord and plug it in again.• Ensure that there is power being supplied tothe electrical outlet.No dial tonesounds.• Check that the phone line is properlyconnected.• Check that the phone socket on the wall isworking by plugging in another phone.The numbersstored in memorydo not dialcorrectly.Make sure that the numbers are stored inmemory correctly. Print a Fax Phone Book.(Page 6.7)Condition Suggested solutions